Summertime Tips for Better Birding

Summertime Tips for Better Birding

  • Do not store your bird food outside. Bird food should be stored in a cool dry location. Inside the house is better than in a garage. High heat and high humidity can cause seed to go moldy or produce moths. To protect our birds, insecticides are not allowed to be applied to bird food. The larva of Pantry moths can be in any bird food product. They need high temperatures to hatch. Pantry moths are a nuisance and can get into other food products in your home. We carry Pantry Moth traps in case you get an infestation. 
  • Change your Hummingbird nectar more often in hot weather. When it's above 90 degrees you should change every day. 
  • Birdbaths should be dumped, cleaned and filled with fresh water every 3 days. This will prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.
  • Bird feeders should be cleaned at least once a month. Use a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. This solution will disinfect parts of the feeder you can't reach. 
  • If you know your birds have fledged then an only then can you clean out the birdhouses. If you're unsure just wait until October. 
  • Finch feeders are notorious for absorbing moisture and clogging up. It's best to shake the feeder up every week to disturb and redistribute the Nyjer seed.